wand.exceptions — Errors and warnings

This module maps MagickWand API’s errors and warnings to Python’s native exceptions and warnings. You can catch all MagickWand errors using Python’s natural way to catch errors.

New in version 0.1.1.

exception wand.exceptions.BaseError

Bases: wand.exceptions.WandException

Base class for Wand-related errors.

New in version 0.4.4.

exception wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.WandException

Base class for Wand-related fatal errors.

New in version 0.4.4.

exception wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.WandException, exceptions.Warning

Base class for Wand-related warnings.

New in version 0.4.4.

exception wand.exceptions.BlobError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError, exceptions.IOError

A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written.

exception wand.exceptions.BlobFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError, exceptions.IOError

A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written.

exception wand.exceptions.BlobWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning, exceptions.IOError

A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written.

wand.exceptions.CODE_MAP = [(<class 'wand.exceptions.BaseWarning'>, 'Warning'), (<class 'wand.exceptions.BaseError'>, 'Error'), (<class 'wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError'>, 'FatalError')]

(list) The list of (base_class, suffix) pairs (for each code). It would be zipped with DOMAIN_MAP pairs’ last element.

exception wand.exceptions.CacheError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache.

exception wand.exceptions.CacheFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache.

exception wand.exceptions.CacheWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache.

exception wand.exceptions.CoderError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There was a problem with an image coder.

exception wand.exceptions.CoderFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There was a problem with an image coder.

exception wand.exceptions.CoderWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There was a problem with an image coder.

exception wand.exceptions.ConfigureError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There was a problem getting a configuration file.

exception wand.exceptions.ConfigureFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There was a problem getting a configuration file.

exception wand.exceptions.ConfigureWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There was a problem getting a configuration file.

exception wand.exceptions.CorruptImageError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError, exceptions.ValueError

The image file may be corrupt.

exception wand.exceptions.CorruptImageFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError, exceptions.ValueError

The image file may be corrupt.

exception wand.exceptions.CorruptImageWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning, exceptions.ValueError

The image file may be corrupt.

wand.exceptions.DOMAIN_MAP = [('ResourceLimit', 'A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory.', (<type 'exceptions.MemoryError'>,), [300, 400, 700]), ('Type', 'A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred.', (), [305, 405, 705]), ('Option', 'A command-line option was malformed.', (), [310, 410, 710]), ('Delegate', 'An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete.', (), [315, 415, 715]), ('MissingDelegate', 'The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate; delegate is missing.', (<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>,), [320, 420, 720]), ('CorruptImage', 'The image file may be corrupt.', (<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>,), [325, 425, 725]), ('FileOpen', 'The image file could not be opened for reading or writing.', (<type 'exceptions.IOError'>,), [330, 430, 730]), ('Blob', 'A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written.', (<type 'exceptions.IOError'>,), [335, 435, 735]), ('Stream', 'There was a problem reading or writing from a stream.', (<type 'exceptions.IOError'>,), [340, 440, 740]), ('Cache', 'Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache.', (), [345, 445, 745]), ('Coder', 'There was a problem with an image coder.', (), [350, 450, 750]), ('Module', 'There was a problem with an image module.', (), [355, 455, 755]), ('Draw', 'A drawing operation failed.', (), [360, 460, 760]), ('Image', 'The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image.', (), [365, 465, 765]), ('Wand', 'There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API.', (), [370, 470, 770]), ('Random', 'There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number.', (), [375, 475, 775]), ('XServer', 'An X resource is unavailable.', (), [380, 480, 780]), ('Monitor', 'There was a problem activating the progress monitor.', (), [385, 485, 785]), ('Registry', 'There was a problem getting or setting the registry.', (), [390, 490, 790]), ('Configure', 'There was a problem getting a configuration file.', (), [395, 495, 795]), ('Policy', 'A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or resource.', (), [399, 499, 799])]

(list) A list of error/warning domains, these descriptions and codes. The form of elements is like: (domain name, description, codes).

exception wand.exceptions.DelegateError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete.

exception wand.exceptions.DelegateFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete.

exception wand.exceptions.DelegateWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete.

exception wand.exceptions.DrawError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

A drawing operation failed.

exception wand.exceptions.DrawFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

A drawing operation failed.

exception wand.exceptions.DrawWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

A drawing operation failed.

exception wand.exceptions.FileOpenError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError, exceptions.IOError

The image file could not be opened for reading or writing.

exception wand.exceptions.FileOpenFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError, exceptions.IOError

The image file could not be opened for reading or writing.

exception wand.exceptions.FileOpenWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning, exceptions.IOError

The image file could not be opened for reading or writing.

exception wand.exceptions.ImageError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image.

exception wand.exceptions.ImageFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image.

exception wand.exceptions.ImageWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image.

exception wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError, exceptions.ImportError

The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate; delegate is missing.

exception wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError, exceptions.ImportError

The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate; delegate is missing.

exception wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning, exceptions.ImportError

The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate; delegate is missing.

exception wand.exceptions.ModuleError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There was a problem with an image module.

exception wand.exceptions.ModuleFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There was a problem with an image module.

exception wand.exceptions.ModuleWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There was a problem with an image module.

exception wand.exceptions.MonitorError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There was a problem activating the progress monitor.

exception wand.exceptions.MonitorFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There was a problem activating the progress monitor.

exception wand.exceptions.MonitorWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There was a problem activating the progress monitor.

exception wand.exceptions.OptionError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

A command-line option was malformed.

exception wand.exceptions.OptionFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

A command-line option was malformed.

exception wand.exceptions.OptionWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

A command-line option was malformed.

exception wand.exceptions.PolicyError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or resource.

exception wand.exceptions.PolicyFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or resource.

exception wand.exceptions.PolicyWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or resource.

exception wand.exceptions.RandomError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number.

exception wand.exceptions.RandomFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number.

exception wand.exceptions.RandomWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number.

exception wand.exceptions.RegistryError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There was a problem getting or setting the registry.

exception wand.exceptions.RegistryFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There was a problem getting or setting the registry.

exception wand.exceptions.RegistryWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There was a problem getting or setting the registry.

exception wand.exceptions.ResourceLimitError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError, exceptions.MemoryError

A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory.

exception wand.exceptions.ResourceLimitFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError, exceptions.MemoryError

A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory.

exception wand.exceptions.ResourceLimitWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning, exceptions.MemoryError

A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory.

exception wand.exceptions.StreamError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError, exceptions.IOError

There was a problem reading or writing from a stream.

exception wand.exceptions.StreamFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError, exceptions.IOError

There was a problem reading or writing from a stream.

exception wand.exceptions.StreamWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning, exceptions.IOError

There was a problem reading or writing from a stream.

wand.exceptions.TYPE_MAP = {300: <class 'wand.exceptions.ResourceLimitWarning'>, 305: <class 'wand.exceptions.TypeWarning'>, 310: <class 'wand.exceptions.OptionWarning'>, 315: <class 'wand.exceptions.DelegateWarning'>, 320: <class 'wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateWarning'>, 325: <class 'wand.exceptions.CorruptImageWarning'>, 330: <class 'wand.exceptions.FileOpenWarning'>, 335: <class 'wand.exceptions.BlobWarning'>, 340: <class 'wand.exceptions.StreamWarning'>, 345: <class 'wand.exceptions.CacheWarning'>, 350: <class 'wand.exceptions.CoderWarning'>, 355: <class 'wand.exceptions.ModuleWarning'>, 360: <class 'wand.exceptions.DrawWarning'>, 365: <class 'wand.exceptions.ImageWarning'>, 370: <class 'wand.exceptions.WandWarning'>, 375: <class 'wand.exceptions.RandomWarning'>, 380: <class 'wand.exceptions.XServerWarning'>, 385: <class 'wand.exceptions.MonitorWarning'>, 390: <class 'wand.exceptions.RegistryWarning'>, 395: <class 'wand.exceptions.ConfigureWarning'>, 399: <class 'wand.exceptions.PolicyWarning'>, 400: <class 'wand.exceptions.ResourceLimitError'>, 405: <class 'wand.exceptions.TypeError'>, 410: <class 'wand.exceptions.OptionError'>, 415: <class 'wand.exceptions.DelegateError'>, 420: <class 'wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateError'>, 425: <class 'wand.exceptions.CorruptImageError'>, 430: <class 'wand.exceptions.FileOpenError'>, 435: <class 'wand.exceptions.BlobError'>, 440: <class 'wand.exceptions.StreamError'>, 445: <class 'wand.exceptions.CacheError'>, 450: <class 'wand.exceptions.CoderError'>, 455: <class 'wand.exceptions.ModuleError'>, 460: <class 'wand.exceptions.DrawError'>, 465: <class 'wand.exceptions.ImageError'>, 470: <class 'wand.exceptions.WandError'>, 475: <class 'wand.exceptions.RandomError'>, 480: <class 'wand.exceptions.XServerError'>, 485: <class 'wand.exceptions.MonitorError'>, 490: <class 'wand.exceptions.RegistryError'>, 495: <class 'wand.exceptions.ConfigureError'>, 499: <class 'wand.exceptions.PolicyError'>, 700: <class 'wand.exceptions.ResourceLimitFatalError'>, 705: <class 'wand.exceptions.TypeFatalError'>, 710: <class 'wand.exceptions.OptionFatalError'>, 715: <class 'wand.exceptions.DelegateFatalError'>, 720: <class 'wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateFatalError'>, 725: <class 'wand.exceptions.CorruptImageFatalError'>, 730: <class 'wand.exceptions.FileOpenFatalError'>, 735: <class 'wand.exceptions.BlobFatalError'>, 740: <class 'wand.exceptions.StreamFatalError'>, 745: <class 'wand.exceptions.CacheFatalError'>, 750: <class 'wand.exceptions.CoderFatalError'>, 755: <class 'wand.exceptions.ModuleFatalError'>, 760: <class 'wand.exceptions.DrawFatalError'>, 765: <class 'wand.exceptions.ImageFatalError'>, 770: <class 'wand.exceptions.WandFatalError'>, 775: <class 'wand.exceptions.RandomFatalError'>, 780: <class 'wand.exceptions.XServerFatalError'>, 785: <class 'wand.exceptions.MonitorFatalError'>, 790: <class 'wand.exceptions.RegistryFatalError'>, 795: <class 'wand.exceptions.ConfigureFatalError'>, 799: <class 'wand.exceptions.PolicyFatalError'>}

(dict) The dictionary of (code, exc_type).

exception wand.exceptions.TypeError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred.

exception wand.exceptions.TypeFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred.

exception wand.exceptions.TypeWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred.

exception wand.exceptions.WandError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API.

exception wand.exceptions.WandException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

All Wand-related exceptions are derived from this class.

exception wand.exceptions.WandFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API.

exception wand.exceptions.WandLibraryVersionError

Bases: wand.exceptions.WandException

Base class for Wand-related ImageMagick version errors.

New in version 0.3.2.

exception wand.exceptions.WandRuntimeError

Bases: wand.exceptions.WandException, exceptions.RuntimeError

Generic class for Wand-related runtime errors.

New in version 0.5.2.

exception wand.exceptions.WandWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API.

exception wand.exceptions.XServerError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseError

An X resource is unavailable.

exception wand.exceptions.XServerFatalError

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseFatalError

An X resource is unavailable.

exception wand.exceptions.XServerWarning

Bases: wand.exceptions.BaseWarning

An X resource is unavailable.