
Version 0.3

Python 3 compatibility

Wand 0.3 will be the first version that supports Python 3.

The branch name for it will be python3.

Jython compatibility (#9)

Wand 0.3 will support Jython 2.7+. Jython 2.7 is (June 2012) currently under alpha release, and Wand has been tested on it and fixed incompatible things.

It has been developed in the branch jython.

EXIF (#25)

ImageMagick itself can read/write EXIF through GetMagickInfo() function. Wand 0.3 will make a binding for it.

Its branch name will be exif.

Image layers (#22)

Wand 0.3 will be able to deal with layers of an image.

Its branch name will be layer.

Very future versions

Animations (#1)

Wand will finally support animations like GIF and SWF in the future.

Its branch name will be animation.

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