Special Effects (FX) ==================== .. This document covers methods defined in MagickCore's fx.c file. https://imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/fx_8c.html .. _noise: Add Noise --------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 You can add random noise to an image. This operation can be useful when applied before a blur operation to defuse an image. The types of noise can be any of the following. - ``'gaussian'`` - ``'impulse'`` - ``'laplacian'`` - ``'multiplicative_gaussian'`` - ``'poisson'`` - ``'random'`` - ``'uniform'`` The amount of noise can be adjusted by passing an `attenuate` kwarg where the value can be between `0.0` and `1.0`. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.noise("laplacian", attenuate=1.0) img.save(filename="fx-noise.jpg") +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Original | Noise | +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-noise.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Noise | +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ .. _blue_shift: Blue Shift ---------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Gently mutes colors by shifting blue values by a factor. This produces a nighttime scene with a moonlight effect. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.blue_shift(factor=1.25) img.save(filename="fx-blue-shift.jpg") +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Original | Blue Shift | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | .. image:: | .. image:: | | ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | ../_images/fx-blue-shift.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Blue Shift | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ .. _charcoal: Charcoal -------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 One of the artistic simulations, :meth:`~wand.image.BaseImage.charcoal()` can emulate a drawing on paper. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.charcoal(radius=1.5, sigma=0.5) img.save(filename="fx-charcoal.jpg") +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Original | Charcoal | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-charcoal.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Charcoal | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. _color_matrix: Color Matrix ------------ .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 This method allows you to recalculate color values by applying a matrix transform. A matrix can be up to a 6x6 grid where each column maps to a color channel to reference, and each row represents a color channel to effect. Usually ``red``, ``green``, ``blue``, ``n/a``, ``alpha``, and a constant (a.k.a offset) for RGB images, or ``cyan``, ``yellow``, ``magenta``, ``black``, ``alpha``, and a constant for CMYK images. For example: To swap Red & Blue channels. .. math:: \begin{aligned} red' &= 0.0 * red + 0.0 * green + 1.0 * blue\\ green' &= 0.0 * red + 1.0 * green + 0.0 * blue\\ blue' &= 1.0 * red + 0.0 * green + 0.0 * blue\\ \end{aligned} .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: matrix = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] img.color_matrix(matrix) img.save(filename="fx-color-matrix.jpg") +-----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Original | Color Matrix | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | .. image:: | .. image:: | | ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | ../_images/fx-color-matrix.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Color Matrix | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ .. _colorize: Colorize -------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Blends an image with a constant color. With :meth:`Image.colorize() `, the ``color`` parameter is the constant color to blend, and the ``alpha`` is a mask-color to control the blend rate per color channel. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.colorize(color="yellow", alpha="rgb(10%, 0%, 20%)") img.save(filename="fx-colorize.jpg") +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Original | Colorize | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-colorize.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Colorize | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. _fx: FX -- .. versionadded:: 0.4.1 `FX special effects`__ are a powerful "micro" language to work with. Simple functions & operators offer a unique way to access & manipulate image data. The :meth:`~wand.image.BaseImage.fx()` method applies a FX expression, and generates a new :class:`~wand.image.Image` instance. __ http://www.imagemagick.org/script/fx.php We can create a custom DIY filter that will turn the image black & white, except colors with a hue above 324°, or below 36°. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image fx_filter="(hue > 0.9 || hue < 0.1) ? u : lightness" with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: with img.fx(fx_filter) as filtered_img: filtered_img.save(filename="fx-fx.jpg") +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Original | FX | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-fx.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: FX | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ .. _implode: Implode ------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.2 This special effect "pulls" pixels into the middle of the image. The ``amount`` argument controls the range of pixels to pull towards the center. With ImageMagick 7, you can define the pixel interpolate methods. See :const:`~wand.image.PIXEL_INTERPOLATE_METHODS`. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.implode(amount=0.35) img.save(filename="fx-implode.jpg") +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Original | Implode | +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-implode.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Implode | +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ .. _polaroid: Polaroid -------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.4 Wraps am image in a white board, and a slight shadow to create the special effect of a Polaroid print. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.polaroid() img.save(filename="fx-polaroid.jpg") +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Original | Polaroid | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-polaroid.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Polaroid | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. _sepia_tone: Sepia Tone ---------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.7 We can simulate old-style silver based chemical photography printing by applying sepia toning to images. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.sepia_tone(threshold=0.8) img.save(filename="fx-sepia-tone.jpg") +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Original | Sepia Tone | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | .. image:: | .. image:: | | ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | ../_images/fx-sepia-tone.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Sepia Tone | +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+ .. _sketch: Sketch ------ .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Simulates an artist sketch drawing. Also see :ref:`charcoal`. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.transform_colorspace("gray") img.sketch(0.5, 0.0, 98.0) img.save(filename="fx-sketch.jpg") +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Original | Sketch | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-sketch.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Sketch | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ .. _solarize: Solarize -------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Creates a "burned" effect on the image by replacing pixel values above a defined threshold with a negated value. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.solarize(threshold=0.5 * img.quantum_range) img.save(filename="fx-solarize.jpg") +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Original | Solarize | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-solarize.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Solarize | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. _stereogram: Stereogram ---------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.4 Also known as "`anaglyph`_", this class method takes two :class:`~wand.image.Image` instances (one for each eye), and creates a 3d image by separating the Red & Cyan. .. _anaglyph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaglyph_3D .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="left_camera.jpg") as left_eye: with Image(filename="right_camera.jpg") as right_eye: with Image.stereogram(left=left_eye, right=right_eye) as img: img.save(filename="fx-stereogram.jpg") +-----------------------------------------+ | Stereogram | +-----------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/fx-stereogram.jpg | | :alt: Stereogram | +-----------------------------------------+ .. _swirl: Swirl ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.7 Creates a visual whirlpool effect by rotating pixels around the center of the image. The value of ``degree`` controls the amount, and distance, of pixels to rotate around the center. Negative degrees move pixels clockwise, and positive values move pixels counter-clockwise. .. code-block:: python with Image(filename='inca_tern.jpg') as img: img.swirl(degree=-90) img.save(filename='fx-swirl.jpg') +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Original | Swirl | +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-swirl.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Swirl | +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ .. _tint: Tint ---- .. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Tint colorizes midtones of an image by blending the given ``color``. The ``alpha`` parameter controls how the blend is effected between color channels. However, this can be tricky to use, so when in doubt, use a ``alpha="gray(50)"`` argument. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.tint(color="yellow", alpha="rgb(40%, 60%, 80%)") img.save(filename="fx-tint.jpg") +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Original | Tint | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-tint.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Tint | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ .. _vignette: Vignette -------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.2 Creates a soft & blurry ellipse on the image. Use the ``x`` & ``y`` arguments to control edge of the ellipse inset from the image border, and ``radius`` & ``sigma`` argument to control the blurriness. The ``radius`` can be omitted if you wish ImageMagick to select a value from the defined ``sigma`` value. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.vignette(sigma=3, x=10, y=10) img.save(filename="fx-vignette.jpg") +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Original | Vignette | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-vignette.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Vignette | +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. _wave: Wave ---- .. versionadded:: 0.5.2 Creates a ripple effect within the image. With ImageMagick 7, you can define the pixel interpolate methods. See :const:`~wand.image.PIXEL_INTERPOLATE_METHODS`. .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.wave(amplitude=img.height / 32, wave_length=img.width / 4) img.save(filename="fx-wave.jpg") +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Original | Wave | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | .. image:: ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | .. image:: ../_images/fx-wave.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Wave | +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ .. _wavelet_denoise: Wavelet Denoise --------------- .. versionadded:: 0.5.5 This method removes noise by applying a `wavelet transform`_. The ``threshold`` argument should be a value between ``0.0`` & :attr:`~wand.image.BaseImage.quantum_range`, and the ``softness`` argument should be a value between ``0.0`` & ``1.0``. .. _`wavelet transform`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavelet_transform .. code-block:: python from wand.image import Image with Image(filename="inca_tern.jpg") as img: img.wavelet_denoise(threshold=0.05 * img.quantum_range, softness=0.0) img.save(filename="fx-wavelet-denoise.jpg") +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Original | Wavelet Denoise | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | .. image:: | | ../_images/inca_tern.jpg | ../_images/fx-wavelet-denoise.jpg | | :alt: Original | :alt: Wavelet Denoise | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+