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Wand is a ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python.

from wand.image import Image
from wand.display import display

with Image(filename='mona-lisa.png') as img:
    for r in 1, 2, 3:
        with img.clone() as i:
            i.resize(int(i.width * r * 0.25), int(i.height * r * 0.25))
            i.rotate(90 * r)

You can install it from PyPI (and it requires MagickWand library):

$ apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
$ pip install Wand

Why just another binding?

There are already many MagickWand API bindings for Python, however they are lacking something we need:

  • Pythonic and modern interfaces

  • Good documentation

  • Binding through ctypes (not C API) — we are ready to go PyPy!

  • Installation using pip


  • Python 2.7 or higher

    • CPython 2.7 or higher

    • CPython 3.3 or higher

    • PyPy 1.5 or higher

  • MagickWand library

    • libmagickwand-dev for APT on Debian/Ubuntu

    • imagemagick for MacPorts/Homebrew on Mac

    • ImageMagick-devel for Yum on CentOS

User’s guide



Stack Overflow

There’s a Stack Overflow tag for Wand:


Freely ask questions about Wand including troubleshooting.

Thanks to everyone in the Stack Overflow community for contributions.


The documentation for Wand is hosted by ReadTheDocs.org. The nightly development docs can be found under the latest version, and the most recent release under stable. Previous & maintenance releases are also available.

Open source

Wand is an open source software initially written by Hong Minhee (for StyleShare), and is currently maintained by E. McConville. See also the complete list of contributors as well. The source code is distributed under MIT license and you can find it at GitHub repository. Check out now:

$ git clone git://github.com/emcconville/wand.git

If you find a bug, please notify to our issue tracker. Pull requests are always welcome!

Check out Wand Changelog also.

Indices and tables